How to Contribute to X-PPAC
National polls have consistently shown 50+% of the American public believe their government conceals the truth concerning UFO/ET phenomena. Want to make a difference and be a part of the most important event in human history?
Make contributions payable to X-PPAC and mail to: | X-PPAC 4938 Hampden Lane, #161 Bethesda, MD 20814 |
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The X-PPAC account is held at: Bank of America, 7316 Wisconsin Ave, Bethesda, MD 20814
Federal law requires aggregate contributions in excess of $200 per year be accompanied by the contributor's name, address, occupation and name of employer. The FEC requires all PACs to make a best effort to obtain this information.
Contributions are limited to $5000 per year per person and not tax deductible.
Only U.S. citizens, or non-citizens holding green cards, may contribute (no corporations).
However, if you are not a U.S. citizen, you can help by spreading the word about X-PPAC - there are many U.S. citizens residing in your country.
Copyright 1999 Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee