Credit Card or Cash Contributions via PayPal

X-PPAC uses PayPal, the most popular and secure payment option on the Internet.  Setting up your account is easy and costs nothing.  Once set up with PayPal, you can use your credit or debit cards at thousands of sites without having to reenter your personal and financial information.


Note:   Contributions are limited to $5000 per year per person and not tax deductible.  ♦  Federal law requires aggregate contributions in excess of $200 per year be accompanied by the contributor's name, address, occupation and name of employer.   The FEC requires all PACs to make a best effort to obtain this information.  ♦  Only U.S. citizens, or non-citizens holding green cards, may contribute (no corporations).















Note: PayPal works best with IE and Netscape browsers.  With the AOL browser, you may need to use "Window" in the "Command Bar" to move back and forth between this page and the "Shopping Cart."

Copyright 1999 Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee

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