2008 - Get Out the Questions
(This material will cut and paste into
word processing documents as black on white.)
"Washington, DC - Public awareness of UFO/ET phenomena and government suppression of the facts behind them has never been greater. During the 2008 campaign season, national office candidates and incumbents should prepare themselves to receive tough questions from their constituents."
From an X-PPAC Congressional Alert sent to all House and Senate members.
For the next 15 months, people seeking a seat in the Congress of the United States will be speaking and debating across the country. They want your vote. You have the right and the obligation to ask them about any issue you see fit. If that issue is controversial, all the better.
The American electorate has always had the power at its disposal to bring the implications of UFO/ET issue directly to our political leadership. The power resides in the microphones present at every debate, speech, and town hall meeting. Confront candidates and incumbents with key questions on the issue. If they choose not to answer, or laugh the question aside, or even laugh at you, be assured the only person in the auditorium who should be embarrassed is the candidate. They want to serve you, they want your vote - therefore they had better be prepared to answer your questions.
Below are examples of questions you might copy into your word processor and take with you to the next political forum. They are direct, grounded and supportable. They all have one thing in common - even if the candidate refuses to respond, the question itself will inform the public and media present who hear it.
If you have an idea for a question, it is welcome. Contact X-PPAC.
If you are a candidate for national office, can you afford to be uninformed on these issues? If you are a citizen assisting a candidate, you can help. Resources are available, including meetings with principals, that would enable a candidate or incumbent to answer questions such as those above. Contact X-PPAC.
UFO/ET Related Questions with Follow-ups
for the National Candidates
� [Primary question for every candidate] As President of the United States will you release to the American people all government documents relating to alleged extraterrestrial phenomena and will you demand a full briefing from the military services and intelligence agencies regarding these phenomena?
� [For Bill Richardson] Governor, in your foreword to the 2006 book, The Roswell Dig Diaries, you wrote: "the mystery surrounding this crash (at Roswell) has never been adequately explained - not by independent investigators, and not by the U.S. government." As President of the United States will you release to the American people all government documents relating to alleged extraterrestrial phenomena and will you demand a full briefing from the military services and intelligence agencies regarding these phenomena?
� [For Hillary Clinton] Senator, from 1993 through 1995 Laurance Rockefeller approached the Office of Science and Technology Policy under Dr. John Gibbons in the Executive Branch, and made a concerted effort to convince your husband to release all government documents pertaining to extraterrestrial related phenomena. As President of the United States will you release to the American people all government documents relating to alleged extraterrestrial phenomena and will you demand a full briefing from the military services and intelligence agencies regarding these phenomena?
� Are you aware a former deputy prime minister and minister of defense of Canada, Paul Hellyer, has publicly stated he is convinced extraterrestrials are engaging our planet and the Roswell events of July 1947 were extraterrestrial in origin.
� Are you aware a press conference by the Disclosure Project was held at the National Press Club on May 9, 2001 in which the testimony of 75 military and agency witnesses was presented to the national and international media, and that this collective testimony strongly confirms an extraterrestrial presence.?
� Are you aware of a political initiative led and funded by Laurance Rockefeller from 1993 to 1996 to convince the Clinton administration to engage the UFO/ET question openly, end the government cover-up and call for congressional hearings.
Are you aware of the
revelations of career Army intelligence officer, the late Col. Philip J. Corso, in his
1997 memoir,
The Day After
Roswell, confirming an extraterrestrial presence and government cover-up of this
If no, "how do you justify this view given the Constitutionally mandated powers within the three branches of government?"
If no, "is it not curious that a major ally would indirectly challenge the United States on such an issue?"
If no, mention the SSE web address ( and that Dr. Sturrock is with Stanford University.
Video, audio, and written accounts of
UFO/ET questions asked of House,
Senate and Presidential candidates.
(In development)
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